17 Jun 2024

Today's message


Today I insist that I am favoured by God for His name’s sake. The wisdom of the Lord separates me from my peers, and the peace from the Lord garrisons my mind. Nothing and no one shall trouble me. Behold, I carry on me the marks of the Lord Jesus Christ! Life gives its best to me, and the earth yields of her increase. The mountain distils the freshness of her dew for my benefit, and heaven delivers her full bounties. My harvest is rich and extremely fruitful, my vats overflow with wine, and I never lack the supply of milk and honey. Today marks the beginning of the best days of the rest of my life, in Jesus’s name. I believe and I say amen.

Suggested Scriptures

Philippians 4:6—Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

Isaiah 60:12—For the nation and kingdom which will not serve you shall perish, and those nations shall be utterly ruined.




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